Scalable Web Application Deployment : From GitHub to AWS ECR , ECS with Load Balancing and Auto-Scaling
In this project we will deloy a scalable flask app on AWS ECS (Fargate) with the help of AWS ECR which is a container image registry.
Flow of the Project
We will clone a repo from github -> Build a docker image for the app -> Create AWS ECR after configuring aws cli -> Push image to AWS ECR -> Create an ECS Cluster ---> Create a task definition to create Container -> Create a service in cluster with Loadbalancing and autoscaling -> Access our app through browser.
Tools and Technology Used:
Git , Docker , Aws-cli , EC2 , AWS ECR , AWS ECS , LoadBalancer , AutoScaling.
PHASE 1 : Git and Docker
Task 1) Create an EC2 instance and install docker on it.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
docker --version
Task 2) Clone the repo.
git clone <repo-link>
Task 3 ) Build the docker image.
docker build -t sample-flask-app .
Task 4) To push the image to ECR we need to install and configure aws-cli. To install and configure use below commands
curl "" -o ""
sudo apt install unzip
sudo ./aws/install
aws --version
#create access key and secret key to configure aws-cli
aws configure
Phase 2 : Create ECR Repository
Task 5) Now we will move to AWS .
- Create an AWS ECR repository so that we can push our docker image into it.
Click on view push commands to see the commands which you need to run from your terminal to push docker image to ECR.
Run all commands to push your image.
Phase 3: Create ECS Cluster and Task Definition
Task 6) Create an ECS cluster to deploy our app (may take 5-10 mins).
Task 7) After cluster we will create a Task Definition.
- Task Definition is like a template which tell ECS clusters which and how a container should be configured and run.
- Make sure you mention the port on which container is running.
Phase 4: Creating service for our Tasks
Task 8) Our task definition is created so now we have to create a service in Cluster to run that task , we will attach a LoadBalancer to it to handle the load and that will also help us to access the application.
- Create a LoadBalancer for our service-
- Creating Auto-Scaling for our service so that based on high traffic our service can increase the number of tasks.
Phase 5: Accessing our Application through LB
Task 8 ) Accessing our App.
- Our tasks are running
- LoadBalancer is created.
- We can access our App with the help of DNS name of our LoadBalancer.
Thanks all. Good luck out there!
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